Glaven Caring stall at Party in the Pastures
Thanks to all who visited the Glaven Caring stall at Party in the Pastures - many were lucky in the Tombola and our Posh Bric a Brac stalls. Many thanks to everyone who donated prizes - especially Bakers and Larners of Holt who donated a #Budgens hamper. The good news - we raised £435.56!
Also massive thanks to our volunteers and staff who organised the event - so appreciated.
Final thanks go to all those who took up the challenge of a sponsored game of drafts or chess against our chairman - who is close to achieving his 50 for the Glaven's 50th! watch this space for the results.
Full details attached for those who want to set your own 50th challenge and raise funds for Glaven caring - along with details fo our Just Giving page - thank you!